We, at Berachah, are concerned about your health and well-being so we are taking extra precautions that we know will benefit us all, but will allow us to continue to assemble and encourage one another.
Masks: You are welcome to wear a mask in any area of the building, however, we have designated a mask only area in the Worship Center.
For minimal interaction, you can access this area by coming in Door H.
We are distancing the rows in the Worship Center and encourage families to sit together.
We will take a break from serving complimentary coffee in the Gateway. Feel free to bring your own or stop in at the B-Tree Cafe.
We are encouraging you to use our wristband system which will indicate your level of comfort for personal contact.
We have removed the pipe and drape in the Worship Center to allow full use of the space in our 9:30 service. If you do not participate in a Sunday 9:30 am B-Group, we would encourage you to attend the 9:30 worship service so that we can properly distance and allow the maximum number of people to assemble.