In addition to our B-Groups, Berachah offers ministry opportunities that cater to both Men and Women. These groups meet for prayer and events.

Be Watchful. Stand Firm in the Faith. Act like Men. Be Strong. Let all that You do be Done in Love. You are invited on an adventure that will undoubtedly challenge the very fabric of your belief on what makes a man, a man. We seek to develop active followers of Christ with the character to lead his home and the courage to change his community.
see our events page for our next outing.

Our Vision: Impacting ladies to make courageous choices as CHOSEN daughters of the Most High God!
Our Mission: Intentionally Choosing Christ alone to fill the empty places wherever you are on your journey.
see our events page for our next outing.

Men of Faith in Action
This is our men's prayer group.
We meet friday mornings @ 6am in the war room.

God continues to answer prayer. When we sacrifice to get alone with The Lord so early, we receive so much. Our hearts overflow with joy from our sovereign God!!
Women of Faith in Action